O delegado Pedro Emílio Braga, que atuava há 4 anos na delegacia de Guarus (146ª DP), em Campos dos Goytacazes, no Norte Fluminense, assumiu o comando da delegacia de Macaé, a 123ª DP, na última sexta-feira (18).
Pedro Emílio Braga entra no lugar do delegado Márcio Caldas, que era titular da delegacia de Macaé desde 2020.
I understand how that could positively effect your body, but alchemizing means turning elements to…
I understand how that could positively effect your body, but alchemizing means turning elements to…
I understand how that could positively effect your body, but alchemizing means turning elements to…
I understand how that could positively effect your body, but alchemizing means turning elements to…
I understand how that could positively effect your body, but alchemizing means turning elements to…
I understand how that could positively effect your body, but alchemizing means turning elements to…